Anuga 2021

Banfi Consulting designs and builds the exhibition space of Alcar Uno, Pasticceria Quadrifoglio, Emmi e Igor. Anuga is the largest biennial fair in the world of Food & Beverage. The 2021 edition is the restart of the sector after the pandemic crisis.

Digital event SIPA

Banfi Consulting, in collaboration with Studeo Group, follows some webinars for Sipa.


Corporate events are always highly appreciated by attendees, whether digital or in person. BPACK and COMOLI FERRARI are two Novara realities for which Banfi Consulting has taken care of two moments of successful aggregation, one in the beating heart of production, the other in the symbolic location of the city of Novara.


For the promotion of events Banfi Consulting also follows the dedicated roadshows.

Digital event Beckman & Coulter

Banfi Consulting designs together with Studeo Group, a digital event for Beckman & Coulter.


Banfi Consulting designs and realizes congress and institutional events at 360 ° thanks to the many years of experience in the sector and the personal knowledge of its CEO with the main players in the sector, such as the management of trade fairs or prestigious locations.


Sacchi partecipa a Smart Building Expo 2021 con un grande spazio dedicato allo smart building, esposta anche una supercar e aree interattive e dimostrative. Il progetto dell’allestimento prevede un area aperta, accessibile e fruibile a 360° in compliance con le normative anticovid. La manifestazione è in gran parte allestita da Banfi Consulting.

CPHI Europe, Milano

Banfi Consulting realizza l’allestimento Probiotical presso CPHI EUROPE.Il progetto prevede il riutilizzo degli elementi costruiti per Vitafood, in linea con i principi di sostenibilità e con il nostro sistema di gestione certificato ISO 20121:2012.


The Connext 2020 edition blocked by the arrival of the pandemic, reopens its doors a year and a half later.

Hosted in the environments of MiCo Milano, it offers networking and cooperation activities.

The project starts from the center of the large square to branch out towards the four exhibition drivers

A project in compliance with the ISO 20121: 2012 Event Sustainability Standard, on the occasion of which Banfi Consulting obtained the certification of its Management System


A new project for Probiotical at Vitafood. Banfi Consulting designs a contemporary and sustainable space.